Getting around

Several Park and Ride sites are located around Mons:

  1. Grand-Large: TEC bus line 50 ensures connections to the station every 15 minutes (Accessible from the N50 from the direction of Ghlin and the E19-E42 motorway, exit 24 Mons).
  2. Saint-Fiacre Parking, all along the N90 Chaussée de Binche. Easily accessible from the city center on foot
  3. Parking Mons Expo (Avenue Thomas Edison 2, 7000 Mons)
  4. Parking des Grand Près (Place des Grands Prés 1, 7000 Mons)

These car parks allow you to park your car and easily reach the city center by bus, on foot or by bike.

Approximate journey time to the Grand-Place:

From the P+R Chaussée de Binche (Carrefour Saint-Fiacre):

  • On foot: +/- 20 minutes (2 km)
  • By bike: +/- 7 minutes (2 km)
  • By bus: +/- 15 minutes (Combine lines U + City’O)

From the P+R Grand-Large (Avenue de la Sapinette) :

  • On foot: +/- 25 minutes (+/- 2 km)
  • By bike: +/- 11 minutes (3 km)
  • By bus:
    – Station connection (line 50, +/- 10 minutes)
    – From the station: +/- 25 minutes (Lines City’R et City’O)